Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Go cells go!

Talitha is showing a good increase in white blood cells so we hope to get an ANC reading tomorrow. Once Tali's ANC is 500 or more, engraftment has occurred and her new bone marrow is considered active and functioning.

Audrey reported that Talitha is able to finish the last word from almost any sentence on any page of any of the books we took to the hospital. (A lot of book reading time every day.) We are sure grateful that her brain is functioning and that normal development has been possible.

Talitha is also showing signs of wanting to learn to walk again and had Audrey hold her arms to do a little walk around the room in between bites of dinner.

The nausea comes and goes. Yesterday was challenging that way again. Today seemed to be better.

We're cheering on her counts so that she'll be able to come home for a week again before the third transplant round.

Please think happy-white-blood-cell-and-ANC-increasing thoughts!

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